EaselJSの次期バージョンに加わるイベントを扱うふたつのメソッドと注意点 [Edit]


The EaselJS NEXT version change its event model (CreateJS Blog "Event Model Updates"). The EventDispatcher class is inherited by the DisplayObject class. And the Event class is newly added as the base class of event objects. This article explains the following two new methods in these classes.

  • EventDispatcher.on()
  • Event.remove()

01 EventDispatcher.on()


The EventDispatcher.on() method adds a listener to the refered object as well as the EventDispatcher.addEventListener() does. But the method has more arguments to specify scope, calling the listener once, the second argument to be passed to the listener function, and so on.

object.on(type, listener, scope, once, data, useCapture)


Note that EventDispatcher.on() method creates new function for the listener from its arguments. Therefore, the second argument's function of the method is not the listener. The created listener function is returned from the method. Then the returned reference should be used when the listener is removed.


The example code below rotates the instance (instance) 30 degrees on each click and removes the listener on the second click. The Object instance (data) of which property (count) has counter integer is passed as the third argument of EventDispatcher.on() method. Its fifth argument (30) is angle to be passed the listener function. The EventDispatcher.off() method internaly referes the EventDispatcher.removeEventListener().

var listener;
var data = {};
listener = instance.on("click", clickHandler, data, false, 30);
data.count = 0;
function clickHandler(eventObject, angle) {
	var instance = eventObject.target;
	instance.rotation += angle;
	if (++this.count > 1) {
		instance.off("click", listener);

02 Event.remove()


The Event.remove() method removes the called listener from the event. The necessary reference for the method is only the Event object. Its event type nor target object are not needed.



Then the listener function (clickHandler) in the example code above can be revised with the Event.remove() as follows:

function clickHandler(eventObject, angle) {
	var instance = eventObject.target;
	instance.rotation += angle;
	if (++this.count > 1) {
		// instance.off("click", listener);


But note that the listener will not be instantly removed when the Event.remove() method is called. Internally the flag to remove is set to the event object and the listener is deleted when the next event is dispatched. Therefore, just after the Event.remove() method is called, EventDispatcher.hasEventListener() returns true.

03 EventDispatcher.on()の改定案 - Revision of EventDispatcher.on()


My idea to revise the EventDispatcher.on() is to add the reference of the listener function, which the method creates and returns, as its third argument.

createjs.EventDispatcher.prototype.on = function(type, listener, scope, once, data, useCapture) {
	if (listener.handleEvent) {
		scope = scope || listener;
		listener = listener.handleEvent;
	scope = scope || this;
	var args = [];
	var newListener = function(evt) {
		args[0] = evt;
		listener.apply(scope, args);
		once && evt.target.removeEventListener(evt.type, newListener, useCapture);
	args[1] = data;
	args[2] = newListener;
	return this.addEventListener(type, function(evt) {
			listener.call(scope, evt, data);
			once && evt.remove();
		}, useCapture);
	return this.addEventListener(type, newListener, useCapture);


Then the listener function (clickHandler) in the example code above can be removed itself from the event as follows:

// var listener;

// function clickHandler(eventObject, angle) {
function clickHandler(eventObject, angle, listener) {
	var instance = eventObject.target;
	instance.rotation += angle;
	if (++this.count > 1) {
		// eventObject.remove();
		instance.off("click", listener);
